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Our services are for Property Owners only

Single Family Residential

If you are a landlord needing assistance for a case involving a single family home click below for more information


If you are a landlord needing assistance for a case involving a Multi family property click below for more information

Sec. 24.011. NONLAWYER REPRESENTATION. (a) In eviction suits in justice court for nonpayment of rent or holding over beyond a rental term, the parties may represent themselves or be represented by their authorized agents, who need not be attorneys. In any eviction suit in justice court, an authorized agent requesting or obtaining a default judgment need not be an attorney.


EquiDox Services shall not be held liable for the outcome of your case. We present the evidence and provide all of the information as it was given to us. The accuracy of information is solely the responsibility of the property owner. We also have no control over the Judge’s verdict or interpretation of the eviction laws or the testimony of any other paty.

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